Thursday, February 17, 2011

This Week's Column

The force is strong with this one
Super Bowl Sunday was a great night for me for a couple of reasons.
First, the Green Bay Packers were triumphant and the Lombardi trophy came home.
Second, one of the commercials brought back many childhood memories. It was probably the most popular commercial aired during the game and has more than 20 million hits on YouTube.
The commercial features a little boy, dressed as Darth Vader from head to toe trying to use the force on everything in his house, including the family dog. Then, thanks to some help from his dad, he starts the family Volkswagen.
My brother and I lived, ate and breathed “Star Wars” growing up. If we were kids today playing outside in the never-ending snow, it’s a sure bet we’d be pretending we were on the ice planet Hoth. We tried the force on everything, hoping that at some point it would work. Pencils, television remotes, toys or whatever might be lying around were all attempts at mastering the force.
And let’s not forget the Jedi mind trick. That never worked either but, boy, it would have come in handy — especially when we got in trouble for something.
As I watched the brief spot during the Super Bowl, I was instantly transported to my childhood and the fun I had with the classic film. It’s neat that “Star Wars” never gets old, becomes lame or goes out of style.
As I googled to find more information about the commercial and the child who played the Darth wannabe, I was equally impressed with his story.
Little Darth is played by 6-year-old actor Max Page, who by the way hasn’t even been able to see “Star Wars” yet. His regular gig is Reed Hellstrom on “The Young and the Restless.”
Max was born with a congenital heart defect and had his first surgery when he was 3 months old. He also has a pacemaker and makes frequent visits to a children’s hospital in Los Angeles.
His mom said in an interview on “The Today Show” she was always glad to see him have the chance to run and play. Now he’s a YouTube and international sensation adored by millions.
The original Darth, James Earl Jones, presented Max with an autographed official Darth Vader helmet. In an interview with “Access Hollywood” Max said he'd probably show it to his dogs first, as any 6-year-old would.
As much as I love the commercial, the story of the child behind the mask is as cool as his commercial. The force may have been what brought him to the world’s attention but once unmasked his story and adorable face warmed hearts and made a lasting impression.
Max, among many other children who deal with medical conditions way too early in their lives, is amazing and special just because of who he is, no Jedi powers needed.
I, however, could still use the extra bonus of the force and have to confess, when I can’t reach something, there’s a part of me that still contemplates its usefulness. But alas, no Jedi powers here…just a lightsaber app on my iPod.
If you haven’t seen this adorable commercial you can see it at
May the force be with you, Max Page.

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