Saturday, December 11, 2010

This week's column

Farewell to a furry friend
He came into her life as a young dog, first belonging to her son, who had always wanted a black lab named Vader.
A lab golden retriever mix, he always had been an anomaly, afraid of water. He even sunk to a bottom of a pool once, requiring someone to jump in and rescue him. His swimming instincts never worked quite right.
When her son was home from college one weekend they sat down for a friendly game of cards. As a joke, her son put Vader up as a bid during one hand. She won decidedly; in return Vader was hers for keeps.
He became her BGB — that’s best good boy. A smart dog, he could put a dog biscuit on his nose and flip it up into his mouth. He loved going “bye bye in the car” and riding with his family.
Vader also had his quirks. The food bowl had to be in the perfect spot before he would eat out of it. It if was in the wrong spot he would sit by it and bark and whine until someone moved it for him. Did I mention he was a bit rotten?
For 13 years Vader was a great companion for my mom. She would sit and talk to him and probably tell him more than she would her closest friend.
Sadly, a few weeks ago Vader passed away. He had gotten older, riddled with fatty tumors and arthritis, until finally his age caught up with him.
It wasn’t like losing an actual person, but he did become a part of the family, always in the background keeping watch.
While at home for Thanksgiving it was the little things I missed about him.
Vader’s spot during meal time was under the table, and I usually would have to either prop my feet on him or find somewhere else for my feet to rest. This time, when I sat down to eat, I actually had a place to put my feet.
He also used to sit and wait for me to finish my Diet Coke when I was there. He loved to take the plastic bottle and chew off the top. He never ate it. He just liked taking off the top for some reason.
I even missed aggravating him. You see, it was often I who moved the food bowl just to hear him fuss.
While not a human member of the family, he was a furry one who will be missed. It’s weird coming in their door with Vader not there to greet me.
They still have Dad’s dog, Jack the Wonder Dog, but I think even he’s missing old Vader a bit.
Dogs quietly come in and out of our lives, but each leaves a special mark. The cuddly face that warms your heart in the sad moments, the funny things they do not realizing how entertaining they are or just the comfort they give curled up beside you on the couch or at your feet.
They hold you close to their heart and treat you like you are the most wonderful thing they’ve ever encountered, or at least a close second to peanut butter.
Mom claims she’ll never get another dog because the emotional attachment is too great. But I’ve heard that story at least three or four times before.
Vader Dog , as I often called him, will be missed and will never truly be replaced.

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